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Conferences (as organizer)


Geometry and Colour: Decoding the Arts of Islam in the West 1880-1945. International conference, Zurich, Rietberg Museum and Kunsthaus, September 11-12 (co-organised with Sandra Gianfreda, Francine Giese and Axel Langer)

The Global Diffusion of the Moorish Revival. Exhibitions, Academies and Polytechnical Schools. International conference, Madrid, ETSA-UPM, May 10-11 (co-organised with Francine Giese and Fernando Vela Cossia)

Negotiating the Past. Islamic Heritage in Italy and Spain. International conference, Venice, IUAV, February 1-2 (co-organised with Francine Giese, Juan Calatrava and Guido Zucconi)

Roma: essere un artista in una città cosmopolita? 

Rome, Istituto Svizzero di Roma, October 18

Der Orient in der Schweiz/L’ Orient en Suisse. Neo-Islamische Architektur und Interieurs des 19. und 20. Jahrhunderts. International conference, Zurich, University of Zurich, September 21 (co-organised with Francine Giese and Leïla el-Wakil)


Mémoires fragiles. Conserving Orientalist Architecture in Switzerland and beyond. International workshop in collaboration with Icomos, Zurich, University of Zurich, September 22 (co-organised with Francine Giese and Leïla el-Wakil)


La Centralità dell’ornamento. Rome, The British School at Rome, May 7

A l’Orientale – Collecting, Displaying and Appropriating Islamic Art and Architecture in the 19th and early 20th centuries. International conference, Zurich, University of Zurich and Schaffausen, Charlottenfels, May 4-6 (co-organised with Francine Giese and Mercedes Volait)

The Power of Symbols. The Alhambra in a Global Context. International conference, Zurich, University of Zurich, September 15-17 (co-organised with Francine Giese)


Becoming Roman: Artistic Immigration in the Urbe from the Sixteenth to the Twenthieth Centuries. International conference, Rome, The British School at Rome, May 20 (co-organised with Thomas-Leo True)


Mythos Orient. Architektur und Ornament im Zeitalter des Orientalismus. International conference, Oberhofen, Schloss Oberhofen am Thunersee, June 12 (co-organised with Francine Giese and Christina Fankhauser)


Le Metamorfosi dell’ornamento: nuove prospettive interpretative tra storia, arte e design. International conference patrocinated by the Istituto Svizzero di Roma, Rome, Accademia Nazionale di San Luca, November 12


The Ephemeral and the Permanent: artistic exchanges between theatre and the visual arts in Rome, 1300-1700. International Conference, Rome, American Academy in Rome, 17-18 October (co-organised with Yoko M. Hara)


Panel Appropriations (Articulations, Association suisse pour la relève en histoire de l’art), Second Swiss Congress of Art History, Lausanne, Université de Lausanne, 22-24 August (co-organised with Marcel Henry, Laura Zaugg, Andreas Blätter)


Il gusto del colore. L’uso dei marmi policromi nella scultura tra XVI e XIX secoli. International Symposium, Rome, Istituto Svizzero di Roma and Palazzo Massimo alle terme, organized in collaboration with Université de Genève and Università di Roma Tre, 10-12 October (co-organised with Grégoire Extermann)


Rome Art History Network : Storia dell’arte tra scienza e dillettantismo. Metodi e percorsi. International study day, Rome, Accademia Nazionale di San Luca and Istituto Svizzero di Roma, organized in collaboration with Università di Roma Tor Vergata, 24 April (co-organised with Marcel Henry)


Immagine e realtà. Study day, Rome, Istituto Svizzero di Roma, 7 July (co-organised)


Ornamento, tra arte e design: interpretazioni, percorsi, e mutazioni nell’Ottocento. International study day, Rome, Istituto Svizzero di Roma, organized in collaboration with Académie de France à Rome/Villa Medicis, Università di Roma La Sapienza and Université de Neuchâtel, 23 April



(selection 2015-2020)


"Through the Looking-glass of the East: Colour, Geometry and the Kaleidoscope", Zurich, Rietberg Museum (September 11), international conference Geometry and Colour. Decoding the Arts of the West 1880-1945.


“Looking for New Paths: the Alhambra in 19th Century Schools of Decorative Arts”, Madrid, ETSAM (May 10), international conference The Global Diffusion of the Moorish Revival. Exhibitions, Academies and Polytechnical Schools.

Joint paper (with F. Giese): “More than Just Casts: Reproducing, Displaying, and Diffusing the Alhambra in 19th-Century Spain and Italy”, New York City, CAA Annual Conference (February 13), conference panel Outside the Mold: Casts of Non-Western Art.


"Détours orientaux sur les rives du Léman. Les modèles islamiques à l’École des Arts Industriels de Genève”, Zurich, University of Zurich (September 21), international conference Der Orient in der Schweiz/L’Orient en Suisse. Neo-Islamische Architektur und Interieurs des 19. und 20. Jahrhunderts.


"Between Crisis and Renewal. Exoticism and the Decorative Arts at the International Exhibitions in the 19th and early 20th centuries”, (Invited lecture), Madrid, Museo Cerralbo (May 17), international conference III Encuentro Internacional: Artes Decorativas: Coleccionismo y exposiciones en Europa (1851-1929).


“Hermann Hammann (1807-1875): un historien de l’ornement à Genève”, 

Geneva, Société des Arts (February 3), international conference Regards croisés sur les arts à Genève (1846-1896).


“Do exotismo a perspectiva global. Owen Jones e a gramática do ornamento em série”, (invited keynote speaker), Lisbon, Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation (November 25), international conference The Art of Ornament. Meaning, Archetypes, Forms and Uses.


“Driven to Madness: Cesare Mattei, Ferdinando Panciatichi and the Orientalist Architectural Obsession”, Zurich, University of Zurich (May 5), international conference A l’Orientale. Collecting, Displaying and Appropriating Islamic Art and Architecture in the 19th and early 20th Centuries.


“Dreaming the Alhambra. The Castello di Sammezzano at Regello”, Zurich, University of Zurich (September 17), international conference The Power of Symbols. The Alhambra in a Global Context.


Une Alhambra florentine: la salle mauresque de la Villa Stibbert”, Bologna, Palazzo Poggi/Università di Bologna (April 19), international conference Period Rooms: allestimenti storici tra arte, gusto e collezionismo.


“The Marqués de Cerralbo and the Idea of Islamic Spain”, Edinburgh, University of Edinburgh (April 8), Panel Orientalism in Spain, 42th Annual Conference of the Association of Art Historians.


Digitalizing and exhibiting art: some practical and art historical insights", (invited lecture), Rome, Istituto Svizzero di Roma (March 23), Going digital? Images, Data, and Disciplinary Imaginaries. Historical and archaeological approaches


“Discovering the East: Bonaparte in Egypt and Orientalism”, (invited lecture), Oberhofen, Schloss Oberhofen am Thunersee (September 13), European Day of Cultural Heritage 


“Owen Jones et la perspective orientale”,Oberhofen, Schloss Oberhofen am Thunersee (June 12), international conference Mythos Orient. Architektur und Ornament im Zeitalter des Orientalismus.


“Anthropological Foundations of Ornament: Owen Jones and Gottfried Semper’s Contributions”, (invited lecture), Mendrisio, Università della Svizzera Italiana (June 3), international conference, Architecture and the Globalization of Knowledge in the Nineteenth Century: Gottfried Semper and the Discipline of Architectural History.


“Un modello da seguire. La fortuna della Grammar of Ornament di Owen Jones in Italia nella seconda metà dell'Ottocento”, (invited paper), Rome, Galleria Nazionale d’Arte Moderna (February 10), international study day Tra Oltralpe e Mediterraneo. Arte in Italia 1860–1915.


© 2019 by Ariane Varela Braga

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